What would your ideal volunteer experience look like? If you’re a dog lover I can imagine it would entail doing something special for them. There are so many ways to help our rescues.
Tender Hearts Dog Rescue needs the help of self-starters to accomplish various tasks such as:
Grant writers to find funding opportunities to earn grant money to continue our rescue work.
Transporters to transport dogs from the shelter to our fosters, to medical appointments as needed, and last minute miscellaneous appointments.
Event Planners to organize local adoption events. This entails reaching out to vendors, establishing time-frames for the event, having our volunteers help with the event, and publishing the event details in local stores, hanging flyers, and posting on social media.
Fundraisers to create fundraising drives and contests. This will include reaching out to local businesses to solicit donations
Please bring any special talents you may have. We can always use your creative insights to get the job done!
Ready to start Volunteering?
Come join our team and make our difference in the lives of our rescues.